Friday 31 May 2013

Chocolate play dough cake shop

Today, we took inspiration from the very imaginative little L at Ghostwritermummy and made a chocolate play dough cake shop.  I made a fairly sticky dough using the following recipe:
250g plain flour
100g salt
25g granulated sugar
50g hot chocolate powder
1tbsp oil
500ml water
I added all the ingredients to a saucepan and stirred over a medium heat for about six minutes.  The mixture was then transferred to a bowl to cool.  I ended up adding a lot more flour at this stage, to make the dough less sticky, and kneaded it until deemed perfect by my tiny helpers.
We then emptied the dough into the Tuff spot and the three children set about making and decorating "cakes", "biscuits" and "doughnuts" to display in their bakery counter.
We used real cake cases and edible decorations, which the children loved; I saw a few sneak their way into their mouths!  They had lots of fun pushing the play dough into cases and moulds and then even more fun decorating them.

To make doughnuts, they rolled the dough into a sausage shape before using it to form a ring, which was then covered with embellishments.


Once all of the play dough had been used to create beautiful chocolate cakes, the children declared their cake shop open for business.  They decided that the cakes would cost anything between one and 10 pence.  We used generic coins instead of real money and the children counted out the price of their chosen cake using one coin to represent one pence.

Lots of fun was had with this dough - my first attempt at cooked play dough.  We've put it away for another day, so that we can recreate our cake shop.  Hopefully it will still be as soft and yummy as it was today!

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