Thursday 7 February 2013

Natural Born Worrier

My name is Jen and I am a worrier.  There, I've said it.  There's nothing I won't worry about - the house, our finances, health, politics, global economics, the fact that some people are still racist and/or homophobic in this day and age...  Mostly, I worry about my family.  The children, specifically; that's my default mode and can fill many moments that would have otherwise been spent happily relaxing.  Do I read to them enough?  Should they really watch television at all?  Do they exercise adequately?  Should they be partaking in so many extra-curricular activities...or should they be signed up to more?

Endless, really, once you start thinking about it.

And, usually, there's no point to it.  It doesn't change anything.  We don't have more money simply because I have devoted hours of my life to fretting about the omnipresent minus symbol in front of our bank balance.  The children are still healthy, sparklingly intelligent, energetic little beauties whether I act upon my anxieties regarding them, or not.  And the country is still full of arseholes whose belief that they are better than others simply because they live in a slightly different way is, frankly, startling.

Recently, though, there has been another worry added to the list, and this one is edging towards the top of the pile - the place where it will be addressed.  What, exactly, are we feeding our children (and ourselves)?  And when should we start to make changes?

Hubby thinks now, and, though rather more dubious at first, am now inclined to agree.  I wouldn't be so bothered about my children eating horse meat if that's what I had intended to feed them.  Same goes for any other animal that may subsequently be discovered within an otherwise harmless-looking sausage or chicken nugget.  Now that I have doubts, I feel the need to act on them in some way.  There is no way I could be privy to the information that has come to light in recent weeks and not come to the conclusion that I should alter the diet of my children, slightly.

I'm not talking about forcing veganism upon them.  In the first instance, I'm thinking along the lines of simply increasing the number of vegetarian meals we eat each week.  Rather than my root vegetable curry or roasted veg lasagne once a week, maybe it would benefit us all to eat only vegetarian meals during the week and reduce the meat to a good quality roast at the weekend.

According to just about every piece of research available, it would certainly be far healthier than consuming a lot of animal product; it's also a hell of a lot more economical.  And there's no mistaking a carrot, of course, whereas with a burger or sausage.... well, you know the rest.

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